The Spot | The Period Purse Blog

Mini Drives That Work: Increasing Employee Engagement While Enhancing Period Positivity

Posted by Micah Rodrigues on 8 July 2019

According to Inc., millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025. This will impact work environments in many ways: more tech, more flexibility, more collaboration and more social activism.

Millennials are driving corporate social responsibility (CSR) across multiple industries. They're spending their money on brands that practice CSR and are working for companies that are willing to do the same.

For example, millennials are twice as likely to provide a higher corporate culture rating when companies promote and engage in volunteer opportunities. Considering millennials will make up the majority of the workforce in just a few short years, valuing their experiences and input and keeping them engaged is tantamount to success.

The Period Purse recently became Canada's first official registered charity dedicated to achieving menstrual equity. In addition to making history, this means the opportunities for us to connect with companies across the country are endless.

Since we launched in February 2017, we've hosted approximately 20 Mini Drives, also known as third party fundraising blitzes, with corporate partners. With official charitable status under our belt, increasing the number of Mini Drives we host annually is on our agenda.

These Mini Drives are similar to our large-scale Spring and Fall Blitzes. Donation boxes are set up, period products are collected, sorted, packed and delivered and people unite to support an important cause. With Mini Drives, its local businesses and large corporations booking time with us, learning more about The Period Purse, bonding with colleagues outside of cubicle walls and normalizing period talk at work.

Mini Drives help The Period Purse get more donations to those who need them. Through these initiatives, we can educate large groups of people about period poverty and spread knowledge around menstrual equity, menstrual health and needs of those experiencing homelessness in Canada.  Through this hands-on storytelling and impact-driving tactic, we can galvanize companies to enforce change within their building walls, making equal opportunity to experience healthy periods a priority at work at home and in society.

Further, positive employee morale leads to an increase in employee engagement and employer loyalty. Tax benefits, increased marketing opportunities and general community well-being are also all benefits of socially responsible companies. For more information, read through this case study that discusses the impact and influence of CSR at companies like Starbucks, Apple, SoulCycle and AirBnB.

Ever ready to increase community in corporate culture, The Period Purse's Mini Drives tick all CSR boxes, creating lasting benefits for businesses their employees and the communities in which they work.

For more information about hosting a Mini Drive at your place of work, please contact

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The Menstruation Nation Expands: Diva Cup Programs and Period Presentations

Posted by Tait G. on 29 June 2019


Tait Gamble at her high school graduation.

When I finished grade 12, I was worried that the enthusiasm and passion for menstrual equity we built up in my graduating year would waver when I left. In the past, some successful student-led fundraisers and initiatives had been popular one-offs. I couldn't imagine the same thing happening to the Menstruation Nation. But what if the student leaders became overwhelmed? What if the general student population didn't have the same initial passion? What if the problem seemed "solved"?

When I attended The Period Purse's East End packing party in Toronto this spring, I was excited to see many current students from my high school also there. With them, they brought bins and bins of products that had been donated by community members in a recent drive. A few alumni were there too. We sorted and packed alongside one another, catching up over piles of tampons and pads about the past year.

The Period Purse volunteers prepare supplies for a packing party.

After I graduated, the Menstruation Nation continued to gather an incredible amount of donations. Middle school students led an assembly on periods, and the conversations about menstruation in school were more frequent and open. When I went back to visit my high school, I spoke to the teacher advisor for the Menstruation Nation and learned that there had been a serious expansion of the group's work through the Diva Cup program.

Our goal was and remains simple safe and healthy periods for menstruators and open and healthy conversations about periods in schools. Our work has just begun.

For as long as these issues surrounding menstruation persist stigma, inequity, poverty, on a local, national and global scale the Menstruation Nation will be here, working hard to make a difference.

Tait Gamble and a group of Menstruation Nation members.

This journey has proved to me something I always believed: that once you learn about menstrual equity, it's not something you can forget about. The more you consider it, the more driven you become to do something about it.

Progress requires having even bigger conversations about period health, menstrual equity and, sometimes, uncomfortable and challenging conversations about one's privilege and unconscious bias.

Some student leaders have also shared with me that it can be initially uncomfortable for students of all genders to have open conversations about period health. Despite challenges, all agree that the whole community is better for it. Many of the young people and teachers I've had the pleasure of working with demonstrate curiosity, passion and a commitment to making a difference.

The Menstruation Nation continues to grow and influence other period-positive activists. I recently spoke with a student from a high school in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) who had been researching menstrual equity for an independent passion project. Others have collected products and raised money to support menstruators in their community. I spoke with a post-secondary student interested in beginning a chapter at her college. She had questions about sustainable periods the very work the Diva Cup program is working to support.

In early 2019, the Menstruation Nation program expanded to include education outreach in schools. Our trained Menstruation Nation Educators give 45-minute presentations on reusable period products, period poverty and general menstruation information at public and independent schools across the GTA. One of our Menstruation Nation Educators is featured in the video below on frequently asked questions about reusable menstrual products.

Though the Menstruation Nation is a school program, the impacts extend beyond school walls. Students are helping other students learn, educating their families and helping menstruators in their local communities feel safer and healthier.

We are having conversations about sustainable periods, alternative products and privilege. We'll keep talking, questioning and brainstorming until we reach our goal of safe, healthy periods for menstruators and open conversations about menstrual health in schools. Join the conversation by starting a Menstruation Nation program or having a Menstruation Nation Educator give one of our period presentations at your school.

For more information, email me at

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We're Hosting a Fundraiser. Period.

Posted by Gina Nicoll on 25 May 2019

Join us at our  inaugural Fundraiser. Period. event for Menstrual Hygiene Day

I am writing this on my period. As I type that, I recall the comments I've heard when talking about menstruation in public: "Ewww!" "Gross!" "Dirty!" Or, "You must be on your period," as shorthand for being seen as irrational, overemotional or violating some other gendered expectation of behaviour.

Periods happen for the majority of the population. Yet, we've been taught to feel uneasy about them, like they are a curse.

We hide our pads or tampons up our sleeves as we walk to the washroom at school or work. We ask a friend in a whisper if they have period supplies when we're out, or we don't ask, and stick wads of toilet paper in our underwear, instead.

One in three Canadian women have struggled to afford period products, according to a survey by Plan International Canada. If the survey had included trans and non-binary people too, that number may have been even higher, as LGBTQ people are more subject to discrimination and being socioeconomically disadvantaged.

Eighty-three percent of survey respondents said their period held them back from participating in an activity, and 70 per cent missed work, school or social events as a result of menstruation and unequal access to clean resources.

Looking ahead to Menstrual Hygiene Day on May 28, 2019, the goal of the initiative is to reduce the stigma and increase positive conversations around periods, focusing on menstrual equity. If we're not talking about periods and period products as basic needs, we're also not talking about the barriers to healthy, equitable periods for all.

Thanks to the advocacy work of The Period Purse's volunteers, alongside fellow activists like author Amanda Laird and city councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, Toronto acknowledged its first Menstrual Hygiene Day in 2018. We successfully raised awareness about the importance of equitable menstrual health and working towards menstrual equity through advocacy, outreach and education.

On Menstrual Hygiene Day 2019, The Period Purse will host our inaugural Fundraiser. Period. event, raising critical dollars to support menstrual equity.

In the morning of May 28, Toronto Mayor John Tory will proclaim the city's second Menstrual Hygiene Day.

We will celebrate the progress we have made, such as the government looking to provide free period products to federal workers and the over 22,000 healthy periods The Period Purse has given marginalized menstruators. We will also acknowledge that we have many hills still to climb and lots of barrier-smashing left to do!

Fundraiser. Period. will include a comedy performance by Natalie Norman, The Crimson Wave podcast host and comedian; a silent auction; an on-site marketplace with period-positive items; an opportunity to have your portrait taken by Ranna Asha Photography; and more.

The community will unite at The Office Pub on John St., where we will rally together to support marginalized menstruators and reduce the stigma surrounding periods. All event proceeds will support The Period Purse's mission and vision.

Find the event details and buy your tickets on Eventbrite.

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Chapter Leader Reflection: Megan Scott in Sault Ste. Marie

Posted by Megan Scott on 20 April 2019

Photo Credit: Megan Scott
A snapshot from the Sault Ste. Marie 2018 Fall Blitz. Left to Right: Volunteers Melinda Rainone, Anne Rainone, Megan Scott and Elise Nelson.

I can still remember the day I heard about The Period Purse. My sister-in-law, Brianne Hamilton, was volunteering at a packing party, when I was visiting her in Toronto.  She came home from the event and told me all about it. Before I knew it, I was lying in bed that night, wide awake. My mind was racing with ideas, dreaming up ways to bring a chapter of The Period Purse to my community in northern Ontario - Sault Ste. Marie.

A year has gone by since the Sault Ste. Marie Chapter has opened its doors and the journey has been life-changing. The folks I have met along the way, the volunteers who've donated hundreds of hours, the people in the community who've reached out to help: All of this has made me realize how much good there is out there! It's also taught me about the gaps in menstrual equity that need critical mending. 

Being a Chapter Leader, the most rewarding part of this experience has been witnessing how purses and bags filled with everyday period products can change the lives of many; can bring us closer to mending those gaps. Pads and tampons were things I would never have previously thought to donate, yet I've learned that the basic period product is something so many people who call the Soo home cannot access. 

Since 2018, a challenge has proven to be developing a routine and strategy that work for the Sault Ste. Marie market. With a population of over 78,000, this is a big job, and I also know that one of my biggest areas of needs improvement is learning how to ask for and secure help.

Photo Credit: Megan Scott
Co-Chapter Leaders Jami DellaVedova and Megan Scott stand beside Tiffany Vanzant (middle) of Pauline's Place, a Sault Ste. Marie shelter, after bringing donations collected from the Fall Blitz in 2018.

According to Homeless Hub, 84 per cent of people in Sault Ste. Marie experiencing homelessness in 2016 had stayed in an emergency shelter. As of August 2010, the number of households drawing social assistance was at 2,159.

In Sault Ste. Marie, approximately 42.3 per cent of our community identifies as Indigenous, or as having Indigenous ancestry. From this data, Homeless Hub reports that in 2011, an estimated 19.2 per cent of the Indigenous population is in core housing need.

I am extremely grateful for Jami DellaVedova, Co-Chapter Leader, who has taken on the big role of helping us run things. From Spring Blitzes to Fall Blitzes, from packing parties to third party fundraisers, we've donated more time to supporting The Period Purse's mission and vision, here at home in the Soo, than we thought we would.

Since I started, I've volunteered more than 100 hours and the Sault Ste. Marie Chapter has donated over 380 healthy periods.

It's a lot of work, and time, but it's been one of the most rewarding challenges I've ever had.  

I'm writing this post because I want to encourage The Period Purse's supporters to start a chapter in their community. It is a beautiful thing to be able to give back in this way, learning to remain proactive and professional in ever-changing, vital situations, committing to improving the lives of people in need and changing the way we think and talk about menstruation.

Photo Credit: Megan Scott
The Sault Ste. Marie community gathers at a local packing party, putting period packs and purses together for marginalized menstruators.

Through The Period Purse Sault Ste. Marie, I've learned the value of a good team, a good planner and a good cause. I've learned about leadership and lifelong impact, too.

Readers, to sign up or inquire about becoming a Chapter Leader, please contact for more information.


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Lessons from the Ve'ahavta Van: How equal access to hygiene products is indeed a homelessness reduction tactic

Posted by Elisha Chesler on 6 April 2019

Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash

When we think of people experiencing homelessness and the challenges they face, the most pressing concerns that come to mind are often around basic human needs: Where does someone sleep? How does a person access food? How do they keep warm?

Through The Period Purse's relationship with Ve'ahavta's Mobile Jewish Response to Homelessness (MJRH) Van, I've developed a greater understanding of the challenges that marginalized women and trans folks face.

On evenings in the Ve'ahavta van, other volunteers, a social worker and I embark on a journey through Toronto to hand out food, coffee, clothing and company to individuals living in poverty. It is on these shifts that the challenges of gender-based oppression become more evident.

Cis women, gender non-conforming people and trans people who experience homelessness are often at a higher risk of having faced abuse, mistreatment and trauma. In my work with Ve'ahavta, for example, I've noticed there have been a surplus of shifts where women requesting resources from the van often prefer to receive support from volunteers who are also women. Connecting with someone of a similar identity may reassure the person they are in a safe place, where they can positively and easily access the hygiene products they need, without risk or harm.

People experiencing homelessness are likely to also face the same stigmas and pressures that many of us experience in day-to-day life. These issues are further amplified, however, on the margins.

Many marginalized menstruators may feel shame around their periods, and this could stem from not having the means to experience a healthy and dignified menstrual cycle, as defined by them. They may also be nervous to ask for help and access to products, made available through The Period Purse and Ve'ahavta.

With that said, however, the purses and packs curated and donated by The Period Purse are especially helpful when someone accessing the van feels shy or uncomfortable requesting the menstrual items they need. The Period Purse will give these menstruators a discreet bag, full of items that will ensure their next period is cleaner, healthier and more positive. And the folks we meet on Ve'ahavta rides always express joy when they receive their purse, a new item they can all their own.

I've also learned that women experiencing homelessness may feel intense pressure to look or dress a certain way. The women we meet on the van are often apologizing for their appearance, apprehensive about making human connection and worried they are not presentable enough for a conversation.

I now often think about how our expectations around what women should look like further stigmatize those experiencing homelessness, something I hadn't considered before my volunteer experiences with The Period Purse and Ve'ahavta.

As we continue to think about the complexities of poverty and homelessness, and as we work towards possible solutions, we have to remember the unique needs that marginalized menstruators have and the specific challenges that they face. A "one size fits all" solution to reducing poverty doesn't cut it.

People of marginalized genders who are experiencing homelessness need a more specialized support strategy in order to overcome the obstacles keeping them in poverty. They need personalized connections and equal access to resources, as these positive experiences will not only improve health and wellness, but also lead to developed self-confidence and self-acceptance. 

Committed to supporting long-term advancements, I am thankful that organizations like The Period Purse and Ve'ahavta are available to provide direct, unique support to those who need it the most. I'm also humbled by the opportunities I've had to widen my perspective on homelessness and am empowered to share my lessons through this platform.

Readers, if you are interested in supporting the cause, please donate today and sign up to volunteer. If you have questions about how to join an upcoming Ve'ahavta ride, select "Ve'ahavta Saturday Night Outreach," in our volunteer sign up form.

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We respectfully acknowledge the land we live and work on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinabewaki, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Mississauga, and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.

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