15 September 2022

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The Ins and Outs of Creating an App

The Ins and Outs of Creating an App

by Emilia K.
  It was one idea, and many months later we created a period tracking app! It was the summer of my grade 11 year, when I learned about youth participation with The Period Purse (TPP )- it was an opportunity to create a period tracking app. Students from a University of Toronto club were looking to collaborate with a nonprofit organization to turn an idea into reality. We had to “keep this project confidential” until it launched. After working on the app all school year, Men...

20 June 2022

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Why I Joined The Period Purse as a Chapter Leader

Why I Joined The Period Purse as a Chapter Leader

by Lianne Sinclair
On my way to work one morning, I was listening to “Metro Morning” on CBC Radio and heard Jana Girdauskas being interviewed about The Period Purse. This was the first time I heard about menstruators who had no access to period products and would have to use whatever items they could find, such as newspaper, paper towels, and socks. This opened my eyes to a situation I never realized existed, and I knew that I wanted to help. I needed to be a part of this organization and help menst...

11 May 2022

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Why I Finally Downloaded a Period App

Why I Finally Downloaded a Period App

by Lauren Reid
I’m a privacy professional and until recently, I kept track of my period in my iPhone’s Notes app because I don’t want my data being shared with anyone else or used for advertising.  Recently, I downloaded the Menstruation Nation app and entered the first day of my last period. Why would I download an app that is “by youth, for youth”? Because youth get it! They understand privacy, they demand it, and when they don’t find it they build it themselves.&...

26 April 2022

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Periods Need to be Inclusive

Periods Need to be Inclusive

by Rachel Ettinger
Menstruation is experienced by over half of the Canadian population, yet the conversation around periods can still be seemingly uncomfortable or “inappropriate” depending on who you talk to. Thanks to social media and films like Pixar’s Turning Red (FINALLY!), menstruation and other health issues are being more readily discussed, however; we still have work to do. Many people still associate “periods” with something only women experience. This assumption is inacc...

2 April 2022

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Bloody Great Run - How to be a Team Captain

Bloody Great Run - How to be a Team Captain

by Jannie Nheng
An interview of Caitlin McKay by Jannie Nheng Blood Great Run (GRB) is our annual May fundraiser to honour Menstrual Health Day (MH Day on May 28th). It is an event for like minded individuals to raise funds for The Period Purse. Caitlin McKay had this great fundraising idea to raise awareness of menstrual health. Here is what she has to say as a team captain: “The Bloody Great Run is a way for people to collectively do something that is tangible, actionable, and impactful because org...

We respectfully acknowledge the land we live and work on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinabewaki, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Mississauga, and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.

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