The Ins and Outs of Creating an App

Posted by Emilia K. on 15 September 2022


It was one idea, and many months later we created a period tracking app!

It was the summer of my grade 11 year, when I learned about youth participation with The Period Purse (TPP )- it was an opportunity to create a period tracking app. Students from a University of Toronto club were looking to collaborate with a nonprofit organization to turn an idea into reality. We had to “keep this project confidential” until it launched. After working on the app all school year, Menstruation Nation (M. Nation) went live in the app store in May 2022!

Creating this app wasn’t easy, there was a lot of behind the scenes work to make this a reality. It required many hours of commitment from the entire team. We had bi-weekly meetings to discuss details ranging from design elements, privacy and security to launch plans for the project.

One important detail was to ensure that users privacy and personal data would not be shared. We also wanted a design that was user friendly, seamless and smooth for an enhanced user experience. But mainly, we wanted an educational app. And an educational app, it is! It includes a series of educational snippets about menstrual cycles and how to manage periods with dignity. 

After collaborating on several technical aspects of the project, the most rewarding part for me was filming the official brand video of the app with a professional crew. It made the project feel real. The entire team is incredibly proud that an official app was created!  

I was given the opportunity to work on a rewarding task, and volunteering with the TPP has been a wonderful experience. Here’s to Menstruation Nation app reaching as many menstruators as it can.


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Why I Joined The Period Purse as a Chapter Leader

Posted by Lianne Sinclair on 20 June 2022
Why I Joined The Period Purse as a Chapter Leader

On my way to work one morning, I was listening to “Metro Morning” on CBC Radio and heard Jana Girdauskas being interviewed about The Period Purse. This was the first time I heard about menstruators who had no access to period products and would have to use whatever items they could find, such as newspaper, paper towels, and socks. This opened my eyes to a situation I never realized existed, and I knew that I wanted to help. I needed to be a part of this organization and help menstruators.

When I got home that day, I looked up the website for The Period Purse, clicked on the “Contact Us” page, and expressed my interest to get involved. A few days later I had a conversation with the Chapter Coordinator to learn more. My choices for involvement were to run a mini drive or jump right into being a chapter leader. We decided together that I would run a mini drive and then decide if I wanted to pursue being a chapter leader. I organized a mini drive with my yoga teacher training friends, collecting products and hosting a packing party, making period packs and loading up purses. Later, I was able to donate these to a local shelter and see the impact that we made. I was hooked! Following the mini drive, I signed up to be a chapter leader for the city of Mississauga, and then joined another chapter leader and formed the Dufferin-Peel Chapter. Over the past four years, we have donated over 150,000 period products. I feel like I am making a difference in peoples’ lives and I am so grateful to be able to do this.

As of June 2021, we currently have chapters in Toronto, Durham, Dufferin-Peel, Halton, York, Saugeen Shores, Sault Ste. Marie, Wilmot, Halifax, Calgary, Edmonton, and Regina.   

Currently, we are on the search for more chapter leaders across the country. Do you want to help reduce period poverty in your town? Then why not think about joining our team. We can provide lots of support and suggestions on how to successfully run a blitz, from finding locations for collections to how to locate where to donate the products that are collected. The team meets quarterly to share ideas and best practices and support each other, and blitzes can be run once or twice a year. No matter how small, you can make a difference – contact us today to see how you can get involved.
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Why I Finally Downloaded a Period App

Posted by Lauren Reid on 11 May 2022
Why I Finally Downloaded a Period App

I’m a privacy professional and until recently, I kept track of my period in my iPhone’s Notes app because I don’t want my data being shared with anyone else or used for advertising. 

Recently, I downloaded the Menstruation Nation app and entered the first day of my last period. Why would I download an app that is “by youth, for youth”? Because youth get it! They understand privacy, they demand it, and when they don’t find it they build it themselves. 

The Privacy Pro worked with The Period Purse and UofT Blueprint to create the privacy notice for the Menstruation Nation app, our whole team was honoured and excited to help. Collecting sensitive health data, especially about young people, is risky. Privacy laws are strict and it can be difficult to implement strong enough security controls to prevent the data from being lost or stolen. 

The Period Purse team explained they would not be collecting any personal information, and we went from worried to thrilled! The next generation understands privacy, they care about it, and they’re actually building it.

The Menstruation Nation (M.Nation) app stores all the data locally on your Apple devices (it’s only on iOS right now). There is an option to login using your Apple ID and download your data onto iCloud - useful if you’re changing phones and don’t want to lose it. The feature is off by default, and none of the functionality relies on it. The Period Purse does not and cannot collect or access any data - no one can, except the user.

I’m proud The Privacy Pro played a very small part in the Menstruation Nation app, and sincerely congratulate The Period Purse and U of T Blueprint on developing a first-of-its-kind privacy focused app!

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Periods Need to be Inclusive

Posted by Rachel Ettinger on 26 April 2022
Periods Need to be Inclusive

Menstruation is experienced by over half of the Canadian population, yet the conversation around periods can still be seemingly uncomfortable or “inappropriate” depending on who you talk to. Thanks to social media and films like Pixar’s Turning Red (FINALLY!), menstruation and other health issues are being more readily discussed, however; we still have work to do. Many people still associate “periods” with something only women experience. This assumption is inaccurate and leads to further health inequities, a key issue that people with vaginas continue to experience today. 

It’s important to be inclusive when discussing the topic of menstruation. Here’s why: people who menstruate may include women, trans men, gender non-binary and 2Spirit people. Being inclusive when discussing menstruation has been an important learning for us within the Here for Her community. 

Back in 2017, we created our social enterprise with the intent to focus on promoting health education and focusing specifically on women’s health. Don’t get us wrong, this work has and continues to be very important, but health issues are experienced by people with vaginas every day who may not identify as women and/or use the pronouns she/her. It’s important to include ALL folks in this conversation, as the collective goal here is to raise awareness on issues around menstruation, fight for menstrual equity, health equity and ensure all folks are properly educated on their health, able to advocate for themselves and have access to healthcare and basic human necessities like menstrual products. 

Another important fact to note is menstrual inequities disproportionately impact Black, Indigenous and people of colour, as well as trans and non-binary individuals and people with disabilities. As a result, we are planning a rebrand, moving away from using the pronoun “her” in our name and continuing to focus on promoting health education and advocating for gender and health equity for all folks in Canada! 

Follow Rachel and her amazing Advocacy work @shophereforher 

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Bloody Great Run - How to be a Team Captain

Posted by Jannie Nheng on 2 April 2022
Bloody Great Run - How to be a Team Captain

An interview of Caitlin McKay by Jannie Nheng

Blood Great Run (GRB) is our annual May fundraiser to honour Menstrual Health Day (MH Day on May 28th). It is an event for like minded individuals to raise funds for The Period Purse. Caitlin McKay had this great fundraising idea to raise awareness of menstrual health. Here is what she has to say as a team captain:

“The Bloody Great Run is a way for people to collectively do something that is tangible, actionable, and impactful because organizations need funds. It is a way to raise awareness about a cause that you are excited about! You function in teams to achieve the collective goal to “move” 28 km OR 28 hours over 28 days to raise $2,800(in case you haven’t noticed MH Day is on May 28th). Right now, we all need to connect with people and feel team spirit. People are starting to look outside of themselves and seek ways to do something good for someone else.”  

Fundraisers can be challenging in different ways so how do you keep your team motivated? How do you talk about periods with your peers?

Caitlin coaches her team to overcome uncomfortable conversations of asking friends and family for support. Peers can rally for the cause in various ways, whether it be through financial donations or sharing via social media! It is all about getting out of your comfort zone. 

Talk to your peers about periods, reduce the stigma. Take action, create a Bloody Great Run team. Ready to get started? 

Check out our page on how to host your own Bloody Great Run

  1. Build your team 

  2. Create your fundraising page

  3. Share your message 

  4. Spread the news: tell everyone about your fundraiser

  5. MOVE 28km or 28 hours!

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We respectfully acknowledge the land we live and work on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinabewaki, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Mississauga, and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.

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