Aisle Partners with Fleming College to Donate $10,000 Worth of Period Products

Posted by Megan Apa on 1 February 2024
Aisle Partners with Fleming College to Donate $10,000 Worth of Period Products

In a powerful move towards sustainability and menstrual equity, period product company Aisle has teamed up with Fleming College to donate $10,000 worth of reusable period products.

Founded in 1993, Aisle was built on the belief that “the period aisle should be stocked with radically comfortable products that actually work — for people and the planet”. Their line of products ranges from reusable pads and liners, to leak proof underwear and menstrual cups, all designed with a goal to empower people with periods to embrace sustainability.

This joint initiative has allowed Fleming College to include reusable menstrual products in all of the Emergency Food Banks across their campuses. These food banks are operated by the Fleming Student Administrative Council (SAC), which provides a helping hand to students and families facing challenges in the community. These locations will now be able to offer long term, sustainable solutions to period poverty at a local level.

How much of a difference do reusable menstrual products make??

It’s becoming increasingly well known that reusable menstrual products have a positive environmental impact, thanks to the fact that they last for years with recommended use and care. 

Over 5 years of use, these reusable products are equivalent to a whopping 71,518 disposable pads/tampons. This stops roughly 717 kilograms of period products from ending up in landfills!

In donating these products, Aisle has avoided a staggering 2,516 kilograms of greenhouse gas emissions. To provide a tangible comparison, this is equivalent to the emissions saved by driving a car for almost 10,000 kilometers!

The energy conserved through Aisle’s donation amounts to an impressive 26,450 kilowatt-hours. To put this in perspective, that's the equivalent to the energy consumption of 110,166 days (over 300 YEARS) of LED bulbs!

When it comes to making the world a better place, every act of kindness, no matter the scale, is a step in the right direction, whether you're a small business like Aisle, an institution like Fleming College, or a small group of friends contributing to a local food bank. By fostering a culture of compassion and empathy, we pave the way for a future where no one has to face the challenges of period poverty alone.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can help end period poverty in your community, check out our Mini Drives.
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The Period Purse's Menstruation Nation Program Goes Bilingual in 2024

Posted by Megan Apa on 12 January 2024
The Period Purse's Menstruation Nation Program Goes Bilingual in 2024

In an exciting move allowing for an even wider reach, The Period Purse 's Menstruation Nation program will soon be releasing all French language modules (for youth & adults) starting in 2024! Menstruation Nation is an educational initiative that strives to enlighten everyone about periods and menstrual equity, regardless of age and gender. As Education Coordinator, Vikki VanSickle describes it, “You don't have to be a menstruator to care about and fight for menstrual equity. Menstruation Nation is the dream of a country that understands, respects and supports menstruators”.

The decision to offer Menstruation Nation in French aligns with The Period Purse's mission to provide comprehensive, up-to-date education to as many Canadians as possible. By translating presentations and educational materials and hiring a bilingual Facilitator, TPP will be able to expand the program to French-speaking community groups, organizations, and schools.

As TPP continues to champion menstrual equity, the Menstruation Nation program's bilingual option represents a significant stride towards building a more informed, empathetic, and united approach to periods. To book a French presentation and be a part of this educational movement, visit The Period Purse's website and join us as we strive towards menstrual equity.

Book your French presentation today!


Le programme Menstruation Nation de The Period Purse devient bilingue en 2024

Par Megan Apa

Le programme Menstruation Nation de The Period Purse va bientôt publier tous les modules en français (pour les jeunes et les adultes) à partir de 2024 ! Menstruation Nation est une initiative éducative qui s'efforce d'éclairer toutes et tous sur les menstruations et l'équité menstruelle, indépendamment de l'âge et du sexe. Comme le décrit Vikki VanSickle, coordinatrice de l'éducation, " il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir ses règles pour se préoccuper de l'équité menstruelle et se battre pour cela.  Menstruation Nation est le rêve d'un pays qui comprend, respecte et soutient les personnes menstruées ".

La décision d'offrir Menstruation Nation en français s'aligne sur la mission de The Period Purse de fournir une éducation complète et à jour au plus grand nombre de canadiennes et de canadiens possible. En traduisant les présentations et le matériel éducatif et en embauchant une animatrice bilingue, TPP sera en mesure d'étendre le programme aux groupes communautaires, aux organisations et aux écoles francophones.

Alors que TPP continue de défendre l'équité menstruelle, l'option bilingue du programme Menstruation Nation représente une avancée significative vers une approche plus informée, plus empathique et plus unie des menstruations. Pour réserver une présentation en français et faire partie de ce mouvement éducatif, visitez le site Web de The Period Purse et rejoignez-nous dans notre quête d'équité menstruelle.

Réservez votre dès maintenant votre présentation en français!


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How to Give the Gift of Menstrual Equity this Holiday Season

Posted by Ann Lambert on 15 December 2023
How to Give the Gift of Menstrual Equity this Holiday Season

From bringing people together for a good cause, to making a donation in a loved one’s name – giving back to your community is the perfect way to spread holiday cheer. Here are four impactful ways to do just that with The Period Purse this holiday season. 

Period Presents

Make a difference on behalf of someone you love by dedicating a Period Present to them! Your loved one will receive an e-card about the donation you made in their name and the impact it will have on someone who needs it.

When you donate financially, you will be part of the puzzle getting free period products and education to those who need it. There are four tiers of Period Presents. 

-   $15 for one month’s supply of period products

-   $40 for one reusable menstrual cup 

-   $100 for one educational presentation 

-   $180 provides one YEAR of period supplies 

The Collective

Keep the spirit of giving alive all year by joining the Collective – a group of monthly donors committed to supporting our cause monthly. $15 is just one bottle of wine, or two fancy lattes, or for The Period Purse helps us purchase more period products!

The generous support we receive from the Collective allows us to continuously and sustainably provide free menstrual products and provide free education sessions. 

Happy Holidays from TPP!

On that note, we are so grateful for the tremendous growth and support we have seen this year. We can’t wait to share all that’s in store for 2024, and we wish you all a safe, happy and restful holiday season!

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A Look Back at Our History: TPP Through the Years

Posted by Ann Lambert on 17 November 2023
A Look Back at Our History: TPP Through the Years

A lot has happened since our Founder, Jana Girdauskas, filled her first period purse in February 2017. As 2023 draws to a close, let’s take a look at some of the many milestones that mark our nearly seven-year history.


  • In February, Jana made a Facebook post asking for a spare purse for her new ‘Period Purse’ idea. In less than a week, she had 11 purses.

    • The media picked up on the idea, and Jana was soon making local news headlines.

    • Within a month, she and her network of volunteers packed over 300 purses, and the Period Purse took off.

  • In October 2017, high school student and TPP volunteer Tait launched Menstruation Nation.


  • Our Board of Directors was inaugurated in 2018 and TPP’s first Strategic Plan was launched soon after.

  • Following relentless advocacy by TPP alongside city Councilor Kristyn Wong-Tam, the City of Toronto recognized Menstrual Hygiene Day for the very first time on May 28, 2018.

    • Toronto City Council also passed a motion that year to allocate $255,000 CAD in the 2019 budget for menstrual products in shelters, drop-ins and health centres.


  • In 2019, TPP made history as the first federally registered charity in Canada dedicated to achieving menstrual equity.

  • Member of Parliament for Parkdale-High Park, Arif Varani, brought national attention to the menstrual inequity when he spoke about TPP in the House of Commons.


  • We continued to support marginalized menstruators during COVID-19 and adapted our work as needed.

  • We introduced Mini-drives to keep things going during the pandemic, and they have since stuck around.


  • In 2021, we launched the Collective: a place where donors can support menstruators on a monthly basis for as little as $15 per month.

  • Due to growing demand, practicality problems, and the pandemic, we had to say goodbye to purses and switch to period packs.

    • Despite the switch, we remained The Period Purse to honour the distinct story that started our movement.


  • By TPP’s fifth birthday on February 20th, 2022, we had donated over 3 million period products to menstruators in need.

  • In June, we launched our Menstruation Nation App (Apple verison): a period tracker and educational resource designed by youth and for youth, which tracks absolutely no personal data.

  • Our headquarters were established in 2022 when we secured a storage unit at 1460 The Queensway in Etobicoke, which now allows us to accept donations year-round.

  • We closed our Chapters across the country and shifted to our mini drive program to make it easier and more accessible to everyone.


  • Our Android version of our Menstruation Nation App came out in May! It’s free and still doesn’t collect any data.

  • In June, following two years working alongside a First Nations community, we launched the Moon Time Zine to help young people learn about menstruation.

  • As of mid November, The Period Purse has donated over 4.9 million period products.

  • Our work is anchored on three pillars: Outreach, Advocacy and Education.

We are so grateful for everyone who has contributed to our cause over the years. We look forward to keeping up the important work we do until our vision becomes a reality: where menstruation is understood and treated with dignity, and period products are free for all. 

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Flow-flation: menstruators struggling with the increase cost of living

Posted by Jannie Nheng on 11 October 2023
Flow-flation: menstruators struggling with the increase cost of living

People who menstruate are grappling with the rising cost of living and this impacts their ability to afford period products, especially those who experience period poverty. According to a report released in March 2023 by Women and Gender Equality Canada, one in five people who menstruate indicate they may struggle to afford period products over the next year. 

Inflation began in mid 2021 and increased to its fastest pace in four decades. By fall 2022, nearly half Canadians stated they were concerned with their household’s ability to afford housing or rent, and one in four Canadians said they were unable to cover an unexpected expense of $500. Inflation remains persistently high today and according to Statistics Canada’s Consumer Price Index, the cost of personal care items like tampons and pads are up 6.2% compared to last year

Inflation has exacerbated period poverty, making the situation more dire for those already experiencing it. In an interview with Global News, Meryl Wharton, president of Allan Gardens Food Bank, shared that a client needed pads for her three daughters. The Food Bank could only give her six pads and she cut them in half in an effort to prolong the usage. 

This is the stark reality people face where wages and earnings are not increasing at a rate to keep up with the growing prices of food and shelter. As the cost of living continues to rise across the country, advocates share that many people who menstruate are unwittingly choosing between feeding their families and buying menstrual products

Wondering how you can help ensure that those who menstruate have adequate access to period products? Visit The Period Purse to find more information on donating.
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We respectfully acknowledge the land we live and work on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinabewaki, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Mississauga, and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.

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