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Making Strides: The Period Purse's International Women's Day Fundraiser Raises $5,500

Posted by Megan Apa on 14 March 2024
Making Strides: The Period Purse's International Women's Day Fundraiser Raises $5,500

This International Women’s Day, we made it our mission to raise $3,000 to help fight period poverty in our community. In a true display of solidarity and generosity, we received an outpouring of donations from people dedicated to making a tangible difference. As our campaign comes to a close, we’re happy to report that we surpassed our goal and raised $5,500!

This significant contribution to The Period Purse will be used to educate people about period equity, provide products for those most in need, and allow us to continue to fight for change at all levels of government. Through initiatives like these, we inch closer to eradicating the barriers that hinder access to period products for countless menstruators. 

In addition to monetary donations, The Period Purse's ‘Clear The Cart’ initiative allowed donors to send products easily, right to our storage unit. By providing a platform for people to contribute essential items directly from our Amazon wishlist, ‘Clear The Cart’ demonstrated how small acts of kindness, when combined with community, can create a huge impact!

We’d like to extend a special thank you to volunteers from Bayer who celebrated International Women's Day by creating period packs with us at Dymon Etobicoke for delivery to our community partners as part of their commitment to reduce the stigma around menstruation.

These donations extend far beyond mere numbers; they represent hope and dignity restored to all menstruators. With each contribution, we affirm our commitment to ensuring that no one is forced to endure the indignity of period poverty.

As we reflect on our International Women's Day campaign, we are filled with gratitude for the unwavering support of our community. Period poverty is not only a “women’s issue”; it transcends gender boundaries and affects people from all backgrounds. Menstruators, regardless of gender identity, face significant barriers in accessing essential menstrual products. This is an issue that we should all care about!

With the success of this campaign motivating us, we’re excited to launch our next big initiative leading up to and on Menstrual Health Day! Follow our MH Day journey on our website and social media channels.
Author:Megan Apa

We respectfully acknowledge the land we live and work on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinabewaki, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Mississauga, and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.

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